Kenya: Erasmus Wambua looks at the single bulb that lights his home in Ndela thanks to a solar panel. (Waldo Swiegers/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Powering A Brighter Future

More than 1 billion people worldwide have gained access to electricity in the past decade. What’s behind this progress, and what more can be done?

For years, when the sun went down around 6 p.m. in Derrick’s* hometown of Rufunsa, Zambia, the whole community would plunge into darkness. Without access to electricity, Derrick and his neighbors in their rural village in southern Africa couldn’t simply flip a switch to turn on lights in their homes. No streetlamps illuminated nearby roads, nor did the glow of cell phones help brighten a room.

The utter darkness made it difficult for young people like Derrick, now 16, to do their homework at night.

But in 2019, the addition of a Light Library at Derrick’s school changed his life. The program works just like a traditional library, but instead of checking out books, students can borrow small solar lamps to take home. Now Derrick can sit under the light of the solar lamp for an hour and a half every night to complete his schoolwork.

An international charity called SolarAid set up the Light Library, and Derrick’s teacher, Mutinta Michelo, helps run it. Soon after the program began, Michelo noticed a difference in Derrick. She says he used to struggle in class and had difficulty reading and writing. But since Derrick has been able to use a solar lamp, his grades have improved.

“He has turned out to be the best reader in the school,” Michelo says.

Over the past decade, stories like Derrick’s have become increasingly common. Since 2010, more than 1 billion people worldwide have gained access to electricity, according to a report from several international organizations, including the World Bank.

For years, when the sun went down around 6 p.m. in Derrick’s hometown of Rufunsa, Zambia, darkness would envelop the whole community. Derrick and his neighbors in their rural village in southern Africa didn’t have access to electricity. Without it, they couldn’t simply flip a switch to turn on lights in their homes. No streetlamps lit up nearby roads, nor did the glow of cell phones help brighten a room.

The complete darkness made it hard for young people like Derrick, now 16, to do their homework at night.

But in 2019, a Light Library opened at Derrick’s school and changed his life. The program works just like a traditional library, but students don’t check out books. Instead, they can borrow small solar lamps to take home. Now Derrick can sit under the light of the solar lamp for an hour and a half every night to complete his schoolwork.

An international charity called SolarAid set up the Light Library. Derrick’s teacher, Mutinta Michelo, helps run it. Soon after the program began, Michelo noticed a difference in Derrick. She says he used to struggle in class and had a hard time reading and writing. But since Derrick has been able to use a solar lamp, his grades have gotten better.

“He has turned out to be the best reader in the school,” Michelo says.

Over the past decade, stories like Derrick’s have become more common. Since 2010, more than 1 billion people worldwide have gained access to electricity, according to a report from several international organizations, including the World Bank.

The goal is to provide electricity to everyone in the world by 2030.

Expanding access to electricity is key to strengthening economies, improving education and health care, and creating high-paying job opportunities, according to experts.

“Energy is really the foundation of everything,” says Mark Carrato, coordinator of Power Africa, a U.S. government program run by USAID that’s focused on electrifying communities in Africa.

That’s why officials around the globe have been working toward an ambitious goal: to bring electricity to everyone worldwide by 2030. The aim is one of the Sustainable Development Goals, a series of targets set by the United Nations (U.N.) that are meant to improve the lives of the world’s most vulnerable people.

Despite the major challenges ahead, Carrato believes the U.N.’s electricity goal is within reach.

“It’s totally doable,” he says. “But it’s going to take a lot of people working together.”

Experts say that expanding access to electricity is key to strengthening economies, improving education and health care, and creating high-paying job opportunities.

“Energy is really the foundation of everything,” says Mark Carrato, coordinator of Power Africa, a U.S. government program run by USAID that’s focused on electrifying communities in Africa.

That’s why officials around the globe have been working toward a bold goal: to bring electricity to everyone worldwide by 2030. The aim is one of the Sustainable Development Goals. These targets have been set by the United Nations (U.N.) to improve the lives of the world’s most vulnerable people.

Despite the major challenges ahead, Carrato believes the U.N.’s electricity goal is within reach.

“It’s totally doable,” he says. “But it’s going to take a lot of people working together.”

©Otávio Almeida/Greenpeace

Brazil: solar panels in an Indigenous village in the Amazon rainforest

No Fridge, No Cell Charging

Living in the United States, it’s easy to forget how important electricity is to our daily lives. Most of us don’t think twice about reaching for a snack in the refrigerator, spending hours in front of the TV, or charging our phones.

But without electricity, hundreds of millions of people worldwide can’t do any of those things, let alone run computers, fans, or microwaves. About 75 percent of them—roughly 570 million people—live in sub-Saharan Africa. The vast majority live in rural areas that aren’t connected to an energy grid.

As a result, people in communities like Derrick’s often have to light their homes with kerosene lamps, which can be expensive and inefficient. Others burn clumps of grass or use candles, which produce only small amounts of light—and can cause house fires.

Living in the United States, it’s easy to forget how important electricity is to our daily lives. Most of us don’t think twice about reaching for a snack in the refrigerator. We spend hours in front of the TV. We can charge our phones without any real effort.

But without electricity, hundreds of millions of people worldwide can’t do any of those things. They can’t run computers, fans, or microwaves. About 75 percent of those without electricity—roughly 570 million people—live in sub-Saharan Africa. The vast majority live in rural areas that aren’t connected to an energy grid.

As a result, people in communities like Derrick’s often have to light their homes with kerosene lamps. Doing so can be costly, and sometimes these lamps don’t work well. Others burn clumps of grass or use candles. These methods only produce small amounts of light and can cause house fires.

NUMBER of children worldwide who attend schools without electricity.

Source: United Nations

NUMBER of children worldwide who attend schools without electricity.

Source: United Nations

PERCENTAGE of the global population that currently lacks access to electricity.

Source: World Bank

PERCENTAGE of the global population that currently lacks access to electricity.

Source: World Bank

Eleven-year-old Alinafe* of Malawi, a country in southeastern Africa, for example, once fell asleep while using a candle to study for a test. The flame ignited the blanket she and her younger brother were lying under—as well as the straw mat beneath them—leaving Alinafe with burns up and down her arm.

“Candles bring accidents,” says a leader in Alinafe’s village. “This is a problem for my community.”

Many people without electricity also rely on wood, coal, or charcoal to cook their meals and heat their homes. Burning such materials releases harmful smoke and fumes, which can lead to serious health problems, including heart disease and lung cancer, and even death.

In addition, some families have to spend up to 10 hours a week collecting wood or other materials to burn. Such tasks often fall to women and girls, who in many low-income countries are responsible for all household chores. That takes up valuable time that could have been spent on other important activities, such as schooling, paid work, child care, or sleep.

For example, 11-year-old Alinafe of Malawi, a country in southeastern Africa, once fell asleep while using a candle to study for a test. The flame lit the blanket she and her younger brother were lying under. The straw mat beneath them also caught fire. The blaze left Alinafe with burns up and down her arm.

“Candles bring accidents,” says a leader in Alinafe’s village. “This is a problem for my community.”

Many people without electricity also rely on wood, coal, or charcoal to cook their meals and heat their homes. Burning such materials releases harmful smoke and fumes. Inhaling these can lead to serious health problems, including heart disease and lung cancer, and even death.

Some families also have to spend up to 10 hours a week collecting wood or other materials to burn. These tasks often fall to women and girls. In many low-income countries, they’re the ones responsible for all household chores. That takes up valuable time that could have been spent on other important activities, such as schooling, paid work, child care, or sleep.


People like this woman in India often have to cook over open flames.

Wind Farms & Solar Panels

In recent years, however, governments, private companies, and humanitarian groups have made expanding access to electricity a priority. As a result, the World Bank estimates, 90 percent of the global population has electricity today, up from 83 percent in 2010. That means more and more hospitals around the world can now run lifesaving medical equipment, farmers can power water pumps to irrigate their crops, and shops can stay open after dark.

The African nation of Kenya is among the countries that have made the most progress. One recent government initiative there has helped millions of low-income households connect to the nation’s energy grid.

But governments, private companies, and humanitarian groups have made expanding access to electricity a priority in recent years. As a result, the World Bank estimates, 90 percent of the global population has electricity today. That’s up from 83 percent in 2010. This means more and more hospitals around the world can now run lifesaving medical equipment. Farmers can power water pumps to irrigate their crops. And shops can stay open after dark.

The African nation of Kenya is among the countries that have made the most progress. One recent government effort there has helped millions of low-income households connect to the nation’s energy grid.

‘My children are able to get their homework done . . . at night.’

Kenya’s leaders have also made huge strides in expanding access to renewable energy, including wind and solar power. In 2019, for instance, the biggest wind farm in all of Africa opened in northwestern Kenya. It covers 40,000 acres and includes 365 wind turbines—enough to power hundreds of thousands of homes.

Renewable energy has also benefited Malawi. Thanks to a recent partnership between Power Africa and local solar companies, nearly 58,000 families there have been able to install solar panels on their homes. That has helped people like Chrissy Kasawe generate electricity to power lights and appliances.

“My children are now able to get their homework done and study even at night,” says Kasawe. “I am also able to charge my phone and listen to the radio at any given time.”

Kenya’s leaders have also made huge strides in expanding access to renewable energy, including wind and solar power. In 2019, for example, the biggest wind farm in all of Africa opened in northwestern Kenya. It covers 40,000 acres and includes 365 wind turbines. That’s enough to power hundreds of thousands of homes.

Renewable energy has also helped Malawi. Power Africa and local solar companies recently formed a partnership. Nearly 58,000 families there have been able to install solar panels on their homes thanks to the collaboration. That has helped people like Chrissy Kasawe produce electricity to power lights and appliances.

“My children are now able to get their homework done and study even at night,” says Kasawe. “I am also able to charge my phone and listen to the radio at any given time.”

In India, hundreds of millions of people have gotten power in recent decades as well. The government has helped make electricity more affordable and reliable. One program has helped lower the cost of an energy-efficient light bulb from the equivalent of about $5.50 to less than $1. Saving money on electricity has helped many families afford food, clothing, and other necessities.

“This helps immensely,” says Mamta Bairwa, a mother of six in Delhi, India. She uses some of the money she saves to pay for her daughters’ education.

Still, experts note that some of the recent progress in expanding access to electricity slowed last year because of the Covid-19 pandemic. As the global economy suffered, many workers lost their jobs or earned less money. That made it difficult for people to afford power. Governments and private companies faced financial challenges too, and some electrification projects had to be put on hold.

In India, hundreds of millions of people have gotten power in recent decades as well. The government has helped make electricity more affordable and stable. One program has helped lower the cost of an energy-efficient light bulb from about $5.50 to less than $1. Saving money on electricity has helped many families afford food, clothing, and other necessary items.

“This helps immensely,” says Mamta Bairwa, a mother of six in Delhi, India. She uses some of the money she saves to pay for her daughters’ education.

Still, experts note that some of the recent progress in expanding access to electricity slowed last year because of the Covid-19 pandemic. As the global economy suffered, many workers lost their jobs or earned less money. That made it tough for people to afford power. Governments and private companies faced financial challenges too. And some projects to expand electricity had to be put on hold.

Jawad Jalali/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

In Afghanistan, a family uses a gas lamp to study at night

Electrifying Hospitals

Many officials, however, have since stepped up their efforts to improve energy access, in part to help respond to the Covid-19 crisis. After all, electricity is needed to refrigerate vaccines and help diagnose and treat the disease. SolarAid, Power Africa, and other groups, for example, have focused on electrifying hospitals in sub-Saharan Africa, where more than 70 percent of health-care facilities lack reliable power.

Such initiatives are extremely important, says Marianne Mwale,
a lab technician at a health clinic in a rural part of Zambia. Her workplace recently acquired solar lights—and she says they’ve made all the difference.

“You need light to examine your patients and to run lab tests,” Mwale says. “You can’t do anything, not even the simplest things, without light.”

Indeed, experts say the pandemic has highlighted why electricity is so important—and why more needs to be done in the coming years to make it available to everyone. The International Energy Agency (I.E.A.) warns that without additional efforts, 660 million people worldwide could still lack electricity in 2030—roughly 8 percent of the global population. Eighty-five percent of them would live in sub-Saharan Africa.

But many officials have since stepped up their efforts to improve energy access. They’ve done so in part to help respond to the Covid-19 crisis. After all, electricity is needed to refrigerate vaccines and help diagnose and treat the disease. For example, SolarAid, Power Africa, and other groups have focused on electrifying hospitals in sub-Saharan Africa. There, more than 70 percent of health-care facilities lack stable power.

Efforts like these are extremely important, says Marianne Mwale, a lab technician at a health clinic in a rural part of Zambia. Her workplace recently got solar lights, and she says they’ve made all the difference.

“You need light to examine your patients and to run lab tests,” Mwale says. “You can’t do anything, not even the simplest things, without light.”

Indeed, experts say the pandemic has highlighted why electricity is so important and why more needs to be done in the coming years to make it available to everyone. The International Energy Agency (I.E.A.) warns that without additional efforts, 660 million people worldwide could still lack electricity in 2030. That would be roughly 8 percent of the global population. Eighty-five percent of them would live in sub-Saharan Africa.

Andres Martinez Casares/Reuters

In Haiti, cellphones are charged at a barber shop powered by solar panels.

$30 Billion Per Year

To reach the U.N.’s goal, experts say, world leaders, private companies, and aid groups will have to significantly increase investments. The I.E.A. estimates that it will take $30 billion per year to help countries reach universal energy access.

Continuing to electrify schools is especially important too, experts point out. About 230 million young people worldwide attend schools that don’t have electricity, according to the U.N. That hurts students’ chances of securing high-paying jobs in the future.

Experts say that world leaders, private companies, and aid groups will have to hugely increase their investments to reach the U.N.’s goal. The I.E.A. estimates that it will take $30 billion per year to help countries reach universal energy access.

Continuing to electrify schools is especially important too, experts point out. About 230 million young people worldwide attend schools that don’t have electricity, according to the U.N. That hurts students’ chances of securing high-paying jobs in the future.

‘You can’t do anything, not even the simplest things, without light.’

Derrick is evidence that investing in electricity pays off. In fact, his whole family has benefited from his school’s Light Library. His mom uses the solar lamp to help her see while she’s cooking dinner, and before bed, Derrick and his siblings gather around the lamp to share stories and talk about their day.

With a light to shine on his studies, Derrick’s schoolwork has continued to improve, his teacher, Michelo, says. He now dreams of becoming a teacher himself—a goal that’s within reach thanks in part to something as simple as a solar lamp.

“I never thought he would get to where he is now,” says Michelo. “It’s so amazing.”

Derrick is proof that investing in electricity pays off. In fact, his school’s Light Library has helped his whole family. His mom uses the solar lamp to help her see while she’s cooking dinner. And before bed, Derrick and his siblings gather around the lamp to share stories and talk about their day.

With a light to shine on his studies, Derrick’s schoolwork has continued to improve, his teacher, Michelo, says. He now dreams of becoming a teacher himself. It’s a goal that’s within reach thanks in part to something as simple as a solar lamp.

“I never thought he would get to where he is now,” says Michelo. “It’s
so amazing.”

*Derrick’s and Alinafe’s last names have been withheld to protect their privacy.

*Derrick’s and Alinafe’s last names have been withheld to protect their privacy.

Making Progress

Selected countries that have improved electricity access

Jim McMahon


noun—a new strategy or plan to solve a problem or improve a situation


adj.—complete or absolute


verb—made visible by shining a light on it

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